A Mouth Holds Many Things (Fonograf Editions, 2024)

It is an honor to be a contributing author of “Semaphore” in A Mouth Holds Many Things (Fonograf Editions/De-Canon Project, 2024), an anthology edited by Dao Strom and Jyothi Natarajan that collects hybrid-literary works from 36 women and nonbinary BIPOC writer-artists. Spanning experimental poetry and prose, image-text, collage, performance text, AI-generated writing, and more, this ground-breaking full-color print volume illuminates and expands the interstitial spaces where text blends, blurs, and morphs with visual and other media.

This collection challenges some fundamental questions: What is reading? What is writing? Lifting language beyond the domain of the letter, the works collected here present language in other forms: visual, embodied, sonic, asemic, tactile. Language, after all, is multi-textu(r)al, interwoven, punctured, fragmented, grafted, possessing power to construct and deconstruct, fed into by many rivers of experience: marginalizations and migrations, diasporas and displacements, invisibilities and hyper-visibilities.

A project website featuring artist profiles and more about the contributors to A Mouth Holds Many Things can be found here.

Support for the publication of A Mouth Holds Many Things was generously provided by the Oregon Community Foundation, the Regional Arts & Culture Council (RACC), and a re/source residency fellowship from the Independent Publishing Resource Center (IPRC).
Purchase a copy of the anthology here.

Reviews & media

Poets & Writers (May/June 2024)
Cleveland Review of Books (June 2024)
Poetry Northwest (June 2024)
LitHub (May 2024)

Events & readings

Coming soon :)